

tisdag 27 december 2011

Guess what!

I decided not to have the competition due to lack of interest...
from now till new year ill play Maplestory (register at mapleeurope.com)
Its easier to grow a community there :P

måndag 26 december 2011


yo ppl!
So, today i've done a few things.

I decided to focus my gaming a bit more on Dragonica since it's a great game and i've started to grow my network.
I also realised i got this blog to "run" or whatever you should call it.
From 12.30-18.30 i've been working, sadly...
But now im up for some gaming and i wont stop until my eyes stop.
Join me in Dragonica NOW! IGN: Yesimalex  (ment to be YesImAlex)....

Cheers Guys N' Girls!

lördag 24 december 2011

Found this picture.
Facebook is a disease...
With no antidote...

Merry x-mas!

I just woke up and saw the sun shine and went like: "yeah lets go out play in the snow!"...
The sad thing is: there's no snow in Gothenburg...
I'll hang at the computer for some time now and then i'm of to my family for some food and later of to my dad and the family on his side.
Join me in Dragonica if you feel for it IGN: Yesimalex
Have an awesome day!

fredag 23 december 2011

Me ^^

So what's going on!
Thank's for taking your time and moving your ass from either facebook, Cod, dragonica or some other place.
My name is Alex and i'm from Sweden.
What i do here in my life is basicly being with friends, going to school and playing videogames and others.
Sure, i told ya that it's a blog for both guys and girls, but if something related to relations pops up(they will do), i'll write about that to.
I'll probably do combined updates of my progresses in the games and more bigger and specific updates about my life, if you don't wish for others.
Cheers All

Hi everyone!

Hey you! What is going on!
So... First of all, this is my blog. I started it today at december 23rd and i hope you'll enjoy reading it as i update it everyday from now.
It's main purpose is to satisfy (not pervert) everyone, any gender age or background.
Next update will be about me and my life.
CHEERS Bitc...Buddies :D